


On October 14, 2016  the 14th Meeting of the Ministerial Council of the European Energy Community was held in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Hercegovina). The Ministerial Council adopted a new list of Projects of Energy Community interest (PECI) based on Regulation 347/2013 on Guidelines for Trans-European Energy Infrastructure. The list includes energy, oil and gas transportation projects significant for the integration of European Community country`s energy markets with EU one.   

Among the projects important for the development of oil transportation infrastructure only Brody-Adamowo oil pipeline project was selected by the Council of Ministers as PECI. 

Projects from PECI list may benefit from streamlined permitting, regulatory incentives and other support instruments from EU.  

According to the Regulation 347/2013 the PECI the list of Projects of Energy Community interest  should be verified and approved by the Ministerial Council every two years. The first PECI list was approved on October 24, 2013. It contained, among others, two projects related to the construction of oil infrastructure. Brody – Adamowo oil pipeline project was one of them.    

The Decision D / 2016/11 / MC-EnC the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community on the establishment of the PECI list is placed on the Energy Community Secretariat website.