History of the Company
International Pipeline Company “Sarmatia” sp. z o.o. was established in 2004 by two shareholders – the Polish company PERN “Przyjaźń” S.A. (presently PERN S.A.) and the Ukrainian company O.S.A. “Ukrtransnafta”.
Management Board
The Management Board of MPR “Sarmatia” sp. z o.o. z o.o. is multinational. Only representatives of the shareholders – state-owned companies from the fuel and energy sector from five countries – are appointed to the Management Board.
MPR „Sarmatia” sp. z o. o. was established in order to prepare and complete the Euro-Asian Oil Transportation Corridor project and to construct its integral part: the Brody – Adamowo oil pipeline.
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Shareholders of MPR “Sarmatia” sp. z o.o.
The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) is a national leader in the fuel and energy sector in Azerbaijan. It conducts exploration and upstream activities, manages oil and gas transport systems in Azerbaijan and deals with the trade in oil and petrochemical products on the domestic and international markets.
JSC Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation (GOGC) – is a key company in the oil and gas sector in Georgia. The Company manages transport systems of oil (WREP and BTC oil pipelines), natural gas (SCP and NSMP gas pipelines), and runs an activity in the scope of natural gas and oil extraction in cooperation with other entities.
S.A. „Ukrtransnafta”
Joint Stock Company “Ukrtransnafta” is a national operator of the oil transportation system and the accompanying infrastructure in Ukraine. The Company manages the network of oil and product pipelines, storage bases for storing oil and liquid fuels and the marine oil terminal in Pivdenne.
The PERN Group is a Polish and regional leader in oil logistics. It manages a network of oil and products pipeline and has about 3.5 million m³ storage capacity for oil and about 1.8 million m³ for liquid fuels. It has a marine oil terminal at its disposal, with a capacity of 40 million tonnes of crude oil per year and 4 million tonnes of liquid fuels per year.
SC „KN Energies“
SC „KN Energies“ is a Lithuanian State owned company, which manages the marine oil terminal in Klaipėda as well as the Subačius reloading terminal and tank farm. The Company has storage capacities for the storage of crude oil and liquid fuels of 778 thousand m³. It is also operator of an LNG terminal.
Authorized capital
The authorized capital of MPR “Sarmatia” sp. z o.o. amounts to 29 873 500 (in words: twenty nine million eight hundred seventy three thousand five hundred) PLN and is divided into 59 747 (in words: fifty nine thousand seven hundred forty seven) equal and indivisible shares with a nominal value of 500 (in words: five hundred) PLN each.
- SOCAR 25,32%
- GOGC 16,10%
- PERN S.A. 28,79%
- SC „KN Energies“ 1%
19 Ksiazeca St. off. 7
00-498 Warsaw
+48 22 504 07 70
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